Political Issues

We must protect the faith and liberty upon which our country was founded, as they are the source of our greatness.

Pillars of our Country

  • Faith

    Unborn Life is Life

    All Racism is Racism

    There are Two Genders

  • Freedom

    No Medical Mandates

    Less Taxes & Regulations

    Downsize our Government

  • Opportunity

    Regain Energy Independence

    Increase Homeownership

    Finance Classes in Schools

  • Country

    Protect Constitutional Rights

    Quickly Secure our Border

    Ensure Accurate Voter Rolls

Let’s go deeper

  • Abortion

    Protect the lives of the unborn.

    Support women with the tools and resources needed to take on the responsibility of motherhood.

    Assist women in continuing their education or advancing their career while caring for a child.

  • Childcare

    Expand early childhood education programs.

    Offer lower tax rates to businesses that offer childcare benefits to their employees.

  • Education

    Support school vouchers to ensure no child is left in a failing school.

    Create schools to help steer troubled youth in a positive direction.

    Create schools to offer special assistance to students that are behind.

    Create schools for hands-on trades.

    Expand access to trade apprenticeships and mentorship programs.

    Teach children to write a resume, find a job, and manage their finances.

    Protect our children from indoctrination involving race, sex, or gender.

  • Energy

    Regain energy independence.

    Support all forms of energy.

    Open new oil pipelines.

    Lower the price of gasoline.

  • Gender

    Marriage is a state issue; not a federal issue.

    There are only two genders; man and woman.

    Preserve the restrooms, locker rooms, and sports OF women FOR women.

    Protect children from indoctrination involving sex or gender.

    Prohibit gender reassignment procedures and prescriptions on children.

    Respect the religious beliefs of others regarding marriage and gender.

  • Government

    Enact term limits on individuals serving in the US House and US Senate.

    Remove certain agencies from our federal government.

    Stop executive agencies from excessively acting as legislators.

    Require all items in a legislative bill to focus on the same subject matter.

    Reclaim a government that is by the people and for the people.

  • Guns

    The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Promote mentorship opportunities and mental health counseling to combat depression.

    We must learn to respect life and love our neighbor.

  • Healthcare

    Explore moving from a group system to an individual system similar to auto insurance.

    Lower the cost of COBRA coverage while seeking new employment.

    Create artificial group plans based on professions or geographic regions.

    Encourage people to buy insurance early by offering lower rates based on length of membership.

    Make health savings accounts more prevalent to help people pay for health care expenses.

    Improve access and care for individuals with disabilities.

    Ensure that Medicare and Medicaid are fully funded.

  • Housing

    Expand first-time home buyer programs.

    Support renovations and new home builds.

    Prioritize families over rental investors.

    Zone some new construction for in-state residents.

  • Immigration

    Finish building the wall on our border.

    Use our military to secure our border until the wall is complete.

    Wage war against cartels responsible for drugs and human trafficking.

    Create immigration offices on the border to help people immigrate LEGALLY.

  • Jobs

    Less taxes and regulations to boost our economy, including jobs and wages.

    Invest in career development via resume building, job searching, and interviewing skills.

    Support trade schools, apprenticeship opportunities, and mentorship programs.

    Renovate vacant store fronts and provide grants to small business entrepreneurs.

    Promote any work over no work; we are all needed and valued in our economy.

  • Military

    Maintain a strong military.

    End our involvement in Ukraine.

    Stand strong against China.

    Prohibit our enemies from owning our land.

    Support organizations that help our Veterans.

    Improve access to Veteran benefits and end Veteran homelessness.

  • Police

    Support the men and women who risk their lives protecting our communities.

    Fully fund law enforcement with all the training and equipment needed.

    Revoke federal funding from any state or county that defunds our police.

    Support individuals and businesses in protecting their life and their property.

    Zero tolerance against looters destroying neighborhoods.

  • Taxes

    Keep taxes low; there are already too many taxes.

    Ensure that Social Security is fully funded.

  • Vaccines

    No lock-downs.

    No vaccine mandates or mask mandates.

    No vaccine passports.

    Respect individual medical decisions.

  • Voting

    Audit our voter rolls to ensure all information is accurate.

    Keep electronic voting machines out of our polling locations.

    Require voter ID to ensure only registered legal citizens are voting.

    Prohibit ballot harvesting.

    Limit early voting to no more than one week before Election Day.

    Withdraw federal funding from any state or county that allows illegals to vote.